Sunday 10 June 2012

Sweet Sunday

 So i figured I haven't uploaded any pics In a long while. So here are some pretty inspirations to lift the spirits. because mine are feeling annoyingly high at the moment...

So after two, almost 3 days of fasting. i got myself down to 97. Elation.
I know that It is probably just water weight. but it still feels so much better than 115.
and I don't feel bloated and awful anymore.
It is like my body has finally gotten over its little hissy fit and now is resuming normal functions.
That and I have been eating lots of fruits and water and all that jazz..

93 is my next goal.
It is only 5 lbs. But is the tough lbs to lose now.
exercise water and all that crap.

Im sorry I am probably just rambling right now, I am functioning off of very little sleep from this entire weekend.
Friday night I bumped, like literally walked face first, smack bang, into my ex.
at our local watering hole.
It was awkward beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
I wanted to die, or run, or just disappear.
but I could not because I was doing the drink orders and it was at the bar.
needless to say we did not greet each other.
I did a smashing job of looking at him like i did not even recognize him,
like he was some vermin filth that had stumbled too close to my drink.
Being an emotionless droid is one of my more charming traits.

But I wanted to just leap with happiness when my friend jumped in to save me.
or my man (apparently) as we are being to referred to as a couple.
and even he made the Freudian slip of tongue of calling us a couple
After friday He can call us what ever the fuck he wants.
He leaped in, bluntly flirted with me, making obvious physical contact and suggestions.
and promptly placed his arm around me and carried on with his other conversation.
It was truly sweet on his part.

It made me realise one thing. and that is how I think I am starting to develop real feelings for him.
Sad and unfortunate.
typical me.
complicate the uncomplicated
But i still plan to just take the whole thing easy and see where this goes.
who knows
it could nose dive off of the edge of a cliff
then ill really have something to laugh about bitterly

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alice,

    I've just started reading/following your blog and can relate a lot.
    I'll look forward to reading more xxx

